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Cioccolato alla Cannella e Vaniglia
Cioccolato alla Cannella e Vaniglia

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The story of our chocolate winds its way down a path which, going backwards in history, unites Sicily with Spain, particularly the County of Modica. Even further back, our chocolate finds its origin in the marvelous, ceremonial civilisation of the Aztecs, the ancient inhabitants of Mexico.

When the "New World" was discovered, the Spanish found an extraordinary variety of foods. 'Xocoàtl' was made by the inhabitants with cocoa seeds, and was held in great regard because it conferred strength and vigour and was also a sign of wealth. The Aztecs made the 'Xocoàtl' using a special rolling pin made of stone, grinding the cocoa seeds on a tool called a 'metate', a curved stone placed on two transversal base stones.

The cocoa flour produced was then mixed with spices, and the mixture was rubbed on the metate until it hardened.

During their domination in Sicily, the Spaniards introduced the method of making chocolate that they had learned from the Aztecs.

This chocolate, in contrast to later versions throughout Europe, never became industrially produced and has remained unchanged through the centuries. Still today, the Antica Dolceria Bonajuto makes chocolate with the same ancient technique and ingredients.


  • CCioccolato con Vaniglia: Cioccolato Fondente al gusto di vaniglia
  • Cioccolato con Cannella: Cioccolato Fondente al gusto di cannella
  • Contenuto minimo di Cacao: 45%
  • Ingredienti: massa di cacao, zucchero, vaniglia e cannella
  • Peso netto: 100 gr
  • Unità di vendita: espositore 12 pezzi
  • Azienda storica artigianale
  • Regione: Sicilia

La particolare lavorazione "a freddo" di questo cioccolato, esclude la fase del concaggio riuscendo, a detta di molti, a mantenere aromi che sarebbero altrimenti destinati a scomparire. La forza di questo particolare prodotto è proprio nella semplicità della lavorazione e nessuna aggiunta in burro o di altre sostanze estranee (grassi vegetali, derivati del latte, lecitina) viene effettuata.

Il cioccolato Bonajuto é unicamente composto da massa di cacao, zucchero e spezie, ultimo legame quest'ultimo con quei popoli lontani la cui storia in un certo senso ci appartiene e le cui credenze sui poteri benefici del cioccolato si sono tramandate nel tempo (si ritengono benefici gli effluvi del nostro cioccolato in caso di bronchiti o problemi respiratori in genere).

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This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 09 September, 2014.